Activity: Your payment system


Activity performed per group.

Analyse, for the website builder application you are using:

  • Analyse payment preferences of your customer base, suitable payment systems for your customers typical for your webshop
  1. E.g. do they usually have a creditcard, mastercard,...
  • Decide on the payment systems you want on offer on your Webshop
  • Back to reality: what is available off the shelve on your webshop technology platform ?
  1. The gateway / payment service used/offered
  2. The acquirer  it is offering/accepting
  3. The payment products (local banks, cards,...) available. (Limit yourself to BeNeLux customers)
  • Document associated transaction costs / fees per payment method on your platform



  • Build sub page “5.G. ACT: Payment Systems" as submenu of menu “Activities” on your webshop
  • Paragraphs (using below paragraph title):
1. Instruction summary
2. Result (document the result by writing an article page on your website) using following paragraphs:
a) Analyse payment preferences of your customer base, suitable payment systems for your customers typical for your webshop
b) Select the payment systems you want on offer on your Webshop (ideal world, no technical limitations)
c) What is available off the shelve on your webshop technology platform ?
i.The gateway / payment service used/offered
ii.The acquirer  it is offering/accepting
iii.The payment products (local banks, cards,...) available. (Limit yourself to BeNeLux customers)
d) Document associated transaction costs / fees per payment method on your platform