Setting up a new campaign
Advertising structure
Our first try was setting up a campaign with one ad group using the Wizard. Let's now look into it without using this Wizard. First some insight into the structure of marketing campaign though:
Your business will likely run multiple marketing campaigns. Suppose you have an online bookshop. When it's close to "Valentine", you might have a campaign promoting romantic literature. And as you are selling also CD's and DVD's, you might also see an opportunity in marketing romantic songs.
A couple of months later, the summer season is closing in. You set up a campaign called "summer season". You could set up an ad group for "Holiday reading", one for "Travel Guides", etc...
A new campaign
If you want to create a new campaign, outside the wizard, hit "Campaigns" and then "New Campaign". You first have to select the network your campaign will cover (Search Network, Display Network, or both)
(stick for this training phase to “Search Network”)
you will now recognize the screen you get - you have seen this part already in the Wizard.
So you will now be doing all your familiar steps such as:
- Define a name for your campaign (Campaign name)
- Possibility to change the network (Search Network, Display Network, Stick to Google search network, Video network,...)
- Probably you are fine with “search partners” (such as AOL) selected
Remark that next to Type (if you select "Search Network Only"), you see a radio button list. The default indicates to link your ad's with a keyword list. The last option for example would mean that you don't do that (lazy, or too dynamic content on your website ?) , and let the Google Bot read your website instead and define the right keyword context.
- Select the devices to display your ad on
- Setting the right locations
- Define your budget
- Ad Extensions (skip this for the moment, we will cover this later)
How to start of stop your campaign ? Google has invested quite some engineering effort in providing a highly sophisticated system to control when advertising is shown. It's outside the scope of this course to learn working with automation. But just browse the menustructure and look to below screenshots to get an impression of what is possible. If you select a campaign line, you can select "Automate":