Activitity: Generate 1 effective e-mail marketing campaign idea


  • Effective promotion of your webshop 


Generate 1 effective e-mail marketing campaing idea for your webshop


Describe (for inspiration, see 6 E-mail campaigns)

  • the objective(s) of your e-mail campaign
    (keeping your audience informed?, keeping your audience connected?, increasing sales?,...)
  • the communication schedule for your e-mail campaign
    (frequency and amount of e-mails, day and time of scheduled delivery)
  • the target group of your e-mail campaign
    (specific segment? whole audience?)
  • (optionally)
    which e-mail marketing software will you use?
    is there a link between your e-mail campaign and offline communication campaign?


  • Build subpage “ACT 5.B: E-mail marketing idea” as submenu of the menu “Activities” on your webshop.
  • Put your answer on the created subpage.