Final activity submission

Procedure to follow for submitting your finished group activity


Step 1 (< 20 December 12:00 hours)

  • Fill in the form e-marketing submission form.xlsx. You can click here, or download it from Chamilo:
    Documents -> Course submission -> e-marketing submission form.xlsx
  • Print above filled in form.
  • Let all team member sign it (last table). So you need to be in common agreement on its content.
  • Hand it in during your Show and Tell or drop it in the wooden mailbox of Stefan Biccler / Cedric Saelens (2nd floor, teacher mailboxes just before the entrance of block B). 
  • The signed paper version needs to be in Stefan Biccler's / Cedric Saelens' wooden mailbox before Friday 20 December 12:00 hours.
  • In case of a difference in content between the electronically submitted version and the signed version, the signed paper version will be used as reference. If this is detected, you will all receive a mail to discuss.

Step 2 (<31 December 23:59 hours)

  • Create a zipfile with as filename:  For example: Group
  • In that zipfile, you place:
  1. The filled in form e-marketing submission form.xlsx. You name it: submission_group_nn_B3Mnn.xlsx.
    For example: submission_group_3_3BM05_3BI01.xslx
  2. Any other files you could not upload on your website. Give them a filename starting with the activity number using following layout "act_nn_group_n_B3Mnn".
  • You drop this zip file on Chamilo > Assignments > Final submission bundle e-marketing. Do this before the deadline.

Communication about result

  • It is possible that we mail the team during Christmas holidays if we have questions about your solution / activities. So make sure that at least one team member looks to his/her mail from time to time and reacts if this happens. If so, we expect an answer < 8 January.