Activity: Identify a webshop opportunity


  • Identify a webshop opportunity for an existing (B2C/B2B) business. 



  1. Make a group (subscribe in course group, Chamilo) of maximum 4 people.
  2. Do a little brainstorm. Form a first idea of a webshop opportunity for an existing business. Get inspired by reading subpage 1-5. Think about businesses (business people) you (might) know. You may also use the internet to gather ideas.
  3. Write down the business name and describe the business in detail (specify existing customers).
  4. Motivate your choice. List 3 reasons why this business could benefit from setting up a webshop.
  5. You will make a (free) webshop proposal for this business. Write down the name of the person (from the company) you will try to contact.



  • Build sub page “ACT 0.2A: webshop opportunity” as submenu of the menu “Activities” on your webshop.
  • Fill in the table below and put in on your subpage.



Group exercise: first idea - webshop opportunity for an existing business

Group members:

  1.  ...
  2.  ...
  3. ...
  4. ...
First idea of webshop opportunity for an existing business:

Business name: ...

Describe your business in detail: (specify existing customers)


List 3 reasons why this business could benefit from setting up a webshop:

  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. ...

Write down the name of the person you will try to contact:
