Sort, Eliminate, Decide

While performing the previous steps, you should be getting a longer and longer list of keywords. Then it's time to sort this list, group by topic, and decide which keywords and keyword sequences you will be using where. Use following template to structure your thoughts:

  • List all your keywords and keywords sequences.
  • Sort them by Category.
  • Mention the source you used to find this keyword (brainstorming, looking around (mention the website), enrich,...
  • You will have to decide if you will use this keyword for SEO use. And if so, where you will use it. Mark all the spots where you will be using it: To generate the SERP page (Title Tag ?, Description Tag ?), on your site (in the keyword tag, url address, in text material, in titles, highlighted in text, in the navigation structure, as alternative text for pictures, etc...).
  • Have a look in a keyword tool which can provide you with statistics about the search volume and competition on this keyword. This might help you to decide if this keyword is relevant.
  • You might also consider this keyword for future paid use (SEA).
  • Don't delete keywords you don't use - you might change your mind later.

And then it's time to implement all this, setting the SEO tags in your CMS, and writing quality text...